Friday, November 27, 2015

Newton's 4th Law?!?!

Hey guys!! Rina here!! I'm literally in the plane as I'm typing this, and there's no WiFi or anything, but oh well. It's also very dark outside but that's a little bit excessive. 

Anyhowzers, Daniela and I have an inside joke which I think I could make into an outside joke (an inside joke). You may know about Isaac Newton, right? Well 99.99% of you guys think he only has three laws. WRONG!! He has four laws!! The fourth law is, well, the ability to crawl through a screen to meet your internet friend. I think everyone needs to meet their internet friends at some point of their life, and if Newton's Fourth Law is true, as well as being billionaires, we'd be able to see each other whenever we wowzerfying want to!! Gosh, writing this makes me want to meet Daniela already as me, Rina is writing this. As I think it's not fair to have to live so far away from your internet best friend and being able to meet your non-internet friends whenever you wowzerfying want to. And when Daniela and I prove that Newton's 4th Law is true, we'll be able to meet more often, you'll be able to meet your internet best friends more often, and life will be 1,234,567,890,987,654,321 times better of course!! Though I have weird dreams of meeting Daniela (being shipped in a big box, teleporting, having a magical unicorn take me there, have SSG take me there, LOL), Newton's 4th Law is always better!! It'll actually work!!!! 

One day. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

Our Instagram Fan Page!!

Hi guys!! Long time, no blog post, oh whale!! Anyhowzers, Daniela and I (Rina) have our own wowzerfying FAN PAGE?!?! 

Yes we do. The username is and she posts edits and amazing fanfiction about us!! The current fanfiction she is writing is about us meeting, but 2 months and 17 days ago, that fanfiction would turn into a fanNONfiction!! Be sure to follow her on Instagram if you aren't already because she only has 46 followers currently. I think having a fan page is REALLY cool and wowzerfying!! And her edits are really wowzerfying also!! As you could tell by the profile picture, if you squint hard enough, it looks like Daniela and I are actually together!! 

So you ask: Why should I follow her?
Answer: That fanpage is wOwZeRfYiNg!!