Friday, October 9, 2015

Our Inside Jokes!!

Just because we are internet friends and not real life friends (yet) doesn't mean we can't have inside jokes!! I (Daniela) have decided to list all of our inside jokes here:

Our Favorite One:
*Don't Cook Beans

The Other Ones:
*Too-(___)-O'Clock (too-late-o'clock, too-far-away-o'clock, too-long-o'clock, etc.)
*See You Later But ACTUALLY see you in ___ months!!
*Fast Backwards
*Any Howzers 
*Dark and Early
       -Example (October-10th-O'Clock)
*Study Is Land
*(____) Percent Relatable (a million percent, infinity percent)
*Off Fleek
*Disco Medon'tsay 
*Disco Me Don't Say
*Lot Quest
*Don't Squeeze Pills
*Newton's 4th Law
*51.2 Questions
*Big Did I Know

And that's all we have for now, but from now till we meet, I'm pretty sure there will be about a million gazillion of them!!

-Rina and Daniela!!